Marathon Data is brought to you by Chubbies cofounders Preston and Tom. Based on what ended up working at Chubbies, we're bringing Brand Marketing into the Performance Marketing era by creating a way to measure Brand-Building's long term revenue impact in a way that looks, smells, and tastes like your existing performance marketing measurement. Worked for us, and hope it works for you. Here's how we got here: We're two die-hard performance marketers applying the frameworks learned at Chubbies to measure brand building just like performance marketing — getting the CFO on board. But why us? Why are we doing this? Why are we the people to solve this problem that has plagued marketers since the dawn of time? We had to learn how to do 'performance' brand building or go out of business. Using data like this helped us get acquired for >$100M and be part of an >$1B IPO We believe Brand is the money you make when you turn everything else off. It's not "Brand Marketing", and it's not "BrandING". You're building (tearing down) brand in EVERYTHING you do (DR ads, organic socials, discounts, product launches, etc etc). Put differently, we learned Brand is the resilient base of revenue that doesn't depend on how our Meta ads are doing today. We also realized we had been ignoring that base as we'd become so focused on what drove the most short term revenue. What we learned was counterintuitive. We learned that the paid and organic content that drove the most short term revenue WAS NOT the content that drove the most total dollars when measured over 1 or 2 quarters. That was a revelation, tbh. We realized we'd let that base wither, and that was the reason our DR was becoming less effective, AND why any growth we were getting was becoming less and less profitable. But we needed data that was as real-time and believable as the performance data we were getting from our DR, but all we had were surveys (and we all know the problems with surveys). The problem is that modern performance marketers like you and me haven't had any believable data to quantify the increased incremental long-term revenue you make - in the form of Until now Marathon Data gives us the actual numbers to confirm what we knew all along: That we make more money (profit dollars) with a balance of Brand & DR than from DR alone How do we know? This is what we learned at Chubbies. It's what helped us go from a money loser to a highly profitable AND fast-growing brand. That’s why we’ve devoted the last year to building this initial version, and that’s why we’re so pumped for you to try it out and see if it helps you guys. This is built by Performance Marketers for Performance Marketers, and loved by CFOs the world over.
Creating 180-Day Revenue and ROAS for
At Chubbies, we found there was no technology tool to give us the ROI data on the long term, resilient baseline of revenue we were building. Because of that, we became too short-term revenue focused. We started to build a bubblegum and duct taped manual version of this at Chubbies, and when we incorporated it into our feedback loop and operating framework, it helped us drive more of our acquisition from organic, which increased our contribution margin. The only way we could get to those results, however, was having data that we as the founders and marketers believed in, and second, that our CFO approved of. Not selling anything, just letting you know what we did, and if you think it could solve a problem you're dealing with, check it out. If not, keep doin' what you're doin if it's working for you.
Marathon Data is brought to you by Chubbies cofounders Preston and Tom. Based on what ended up working at Chubbies, we're bringing Brand Marketing into the Performance Marketing era by creating a way to measure Brand-Building's long term revenue impact in a way that looks, smells, and tastes like your existing performance marketing measurement. Worked for us, and hope it works for you. Here's how we got here: We're two die-hard performance marketers applying the frameworks learned at Chubbies to measure brand building just like performance marketing — getting the CFO on board. But why us? Why are we doing this? Why are we the people to solve this problem that has plagued marketers since the dawn of time? We had to learn how to do 'performance' brand building or go out of business. Using data like this helped us get acquired for >$100M and be part of an >$1B IPO We believe Brand is the money you make when you turn everything else off. It's not "Brand Marketing", and it's not "BrandING". You're building (tearing down) brand in EVERYTHING you do (DR ads, organic socials, discounts, product launches, etc etc). Put differently, we learned Brand is the resilient base of revenue that doesn't depend on how our Meta ads are doing today. We also realized we had been ignoring that base as we'd become so focused on what drove the most short term revenue. What we learned was counterintuitive. We learned that the paid and organic content that drove the most short term revenue WAS NOT the content that drove the most total dollars when measured over 1 or 2 quarters. That was a revelation, tbh. We realized we'd let that base wither, and that was the reason our DR was becoming less effective, AND why any growth we were getting was becoming less and less profitable. But we needed data that was as real-time and believable as the performance data we were getting from our DR, but all we had were surveys (and we all know the problems with surveys). The problem is that modern performance marketers like you and me haven't had any believable data to quantify the increased incremental long-term revenue you make - in the form of Until now Marathon Data gives us the actual numbers to confirm what we knew all along: That we make more money (profit dollars) with a balance of Brand & DR than from DR alone How do we know? This is what we learned at Chubbies. It's what helped us go from a money loser to a highly profitable AND fast-growing brand. That’s why we’ve devoted the last year to building this initial version, and that’s why we’re so pumped for you to try it out and see if it helps you guys. This is built by Performance Marketers for Performance Marketers, and loved by CFOs the world over.
This version of the video seems way too un-serious for the serious world of SaaS, but life's too short for serious, so YOLO
Get the 180–Day Brand ROAS from Your Ads
Marketers have one goal: maximize the total long term contribution dollars generated over a long period of time. The problem is the only data we've had is what drives the most revenue in the short term, which leads to ads that lead not with the brand, but with product features, discounts, urgency, and big CTA's. From our experience, we learned these ads do NOT drive the greatest long term contribution dollars. We also know the vast majority of your marketing dollars are going to digital direct response measured on a 1 or 7 day click basis (Chubbies was no different). Therefore, Marathon Data is built for Performance Marketers by Performance Marketers. We've customized the product specifically for this workflow, and all we're doing is providing the 180-Day revenue (from organic branded search) and 180-Day Brand ROAS (BROAS) so you can finally view the Total Long Term Value and ROAS from your media. This is the final missing piece.
Measure Revenue From Social Posts
Your organic channels are now revenue–driving performance marketing channels without needing to hammer your audience with a "15% OFF FOR THE NEXT 12 MINUTES IF YOU USE CODE "NOBRAND" AT CHECKOUT". Because we're constantly measuring the 180 day revenue value of every brand response, you'll know how these channels are making you money while giving you the roadmap to focus your limited resources on optimally making the most money per unit of money, time, and people. These channels were always driving business, but now you can quantify it.
What is an Instagram Follow, a Tiktok Comment, or an email signup worth, in 💰 I'll make, for MY brand?
No more waiting months for an unreliable and useless "brand awareness" figure that has no connection to the actual money you'll make. Marathon Data has created a predictive model based on massive amounts of your brand's historical data that tells you the dollars you'll make over the next 180 days in the form of revenue from branded search — we have no interest in trying to claim credit for all your revenue — from the Brand Responses you're already tracking.
Build an Indestructible Revenue Base
Your Brand is the revenue you have when you turn everything else off — discounts, ads, promos, new product launches, etc. Long–term, sustainable profits come when you build revenue you can count on — not the fleeting bursts from ever–increasing promotional periods and expanding direct–response ad spend. We exist to help you reduce your reliance on DR and Discounts and start building the your indestructible base of revenue from branded organic search... the most resilient and profitable revenue in all the land.
What we believe As cofounders of Chubbies (10 yr journey to a 9-figure acquisition), we learned a few things that inform why we're doing this. 1. Everything we do as marketers (DR ads, organic socials, influencer, partnerships, etc etc) drives both short and long-term revenue. 2. Short term has been the focus since it's easy to measure, but it leads only leads to increasing CAC, discounting, and driving growth with offers and urgency. 3. We learned that measuring the long term revenue from our marketing (DR included) is where profitable growth comes from. 4. However, it has historically been impossible to quantify it, so we didn't get CFO approval to invest in it because the 'ROI isn't clear. 5. After being overly reliant on short term performance marketing ROAS as the only definition of success, we almost went out of business. With our backs against the wall, we found ways to measure the long term ROI so we could confidently invest in things that don't show high short term ROAS, but drive long term, more-resilient revenue. That's what Marathon Data does.
Get the 180–Day Brand ROAS from Your Ads
Marketers have one goal: maximize the total long term contribution dollars generated over a long period of time. The problem is the only data we've had is what drives the most revenue in the short term, which leads to ads that lead not with the brand, but with product features, discounts, urgency, and big CTA's. From our experience, we learned these ads do NOT drive the greatest long term contribution dollars. We also know the vast majority of your marketing dollars are going to digital direct response measured on a 1 or 7 day click basis (Chubbies was no different). Therefore, Marathon Data is built for Performance Marketers by Performance Marketers. We've customized the product specifically for this workflow, and all we're doing is providing the 180-Day revenue (from organic branded search) and 180-Day Brand ROAS (BROAS) so you can finally view the Total Long Term Value and ROAS from your media. This is the final missing piece.
Measure Revenue From Social Posts
Your organic channels are now revenue–driving performance marketing channels without needing to hammer your audience with a "15% OFF FOR THE NEXT 12 MINUTES IF YOU USE CODE "NOBRAND" AT CHECKOUT". Because we're constantly measuring the 180 day revenue value of every brand response, you'll know how these channels are making you money while giving you the roadmap to focus your limited resources on optimally making the most money per unit of money, time, and people. These channels were always driving business, but now you can quantify it.
What is an Instagram Follow, a Tiktok Comment, or an email signup worth, in 💰 I'll make, for MY brand?
No more waiting months for an unreliable and useless "brand awareness" figure that has no connection to the actual money you'll make. Marathon Data has created a predictive model based on massive amounts of your brand's historical data that tells you the dollars you'll make over the next 180 days in the form of revenue from branded search — we have no interest in trying to claim credit for all your revenue — from the Brand Responses you're already tracking.
Build an Indestructible Revenue Base
Your Brand is the revenue you have when you turn everything else off — discounts, ads, promos, new product launches, etc. Long–term, sustainable profits come when you build revenue you can count on — not the fleeting bursts from ever–increasing promotional periods and expanding direct–response ad spend. We exist to help you reduce your reliance on DR and Discounts and start building the your indestructible base of revenue from branded organic search... the most resilient and profitable revenue in all the land.
How much do I make from my ads over 180 Days?
We get data on how much money we make from people who click our ads yesterday, but we don't get any data on how much money we make from ads (DR or "Brand") over the next 180 days, and we DEFINITELY don't get any data on how much of that will be from organic branded search traffic (the best kind of revenue). Until now.
How much money do I make from each organic social post?
Now you know. Now the organic social team becomes a core part of the performance marketing team...Best part? You don't have to pay Mark Zuckerberg for this. You always knew your organic content helped, but had no way to quantify the actual revenue impact on the business. Until now.
How much money do I make from a Tiktok follower?
As marketers, we intuit that likes, comments, shares, follows, email signups, searches, etc have a dollar value. We just never knew what that dollar value was and when we'd actually make those dollars. Until now.
What do you measure?We are all about helping you increase your long term, resilient, baseline of branded organic search revenue. "Resilient" simply means we remove the spikes that are short-term influencers on the branded search number that doesn't represent a true increase in the baseline. Things like launching a sale, bursts in spend, launching a new product, etc represent those spikes. We also seasonally adjust the figures to make apples-to-apples comparisons easier.
Did you use this at Chubbies?Yes, the operating frameworks we developed at Chubbies came out of necessity after almost going out of business. We were too reliant on short-term, paid direct response revenue, specifically measured on a 1-day click basis. We needed to find a more sustainable way to grow profitably. The most profitable growth came from branded organic search revenue. To achieve this, we used a makeshift, manual version of the principles now reflected in Marathon Data, which allowed us to quantify the long-term revenue returns from non-purchase digital responses. At Chubbies, this approach was a small-scale version of what we now measure with Marathon Data. It gave our team—marketers, CFO, CEO, etc.—the confidence to invest in strategies where the main KPI was not 1-day click ROAS, but rather 90- or 180-day revenue. This shift in measurement helped us fill the funnel with potential customers who were primed to buy when they came in-market. Our marketing approach became less focused on product offers, urgency, and discounts, and more on making people laugh, share, and build a positive view of Chubbies as the go-to shorts brand. While this approach resulted in a lower short-term ROAS, it ultimately drove more long-term revenue growth. We reached more people and prepared them better, rather than pushing for an immediate purchase (see the 95/5 rule). As a result, our contribution margin increased, generating more cash to reinvest in marketing, product development, or, dare I say, profits. Over the long term, we found that these customers were less discount-dependent and had a higher LTV (lifetime value), measured on a contribution margin basis—revenue minus discounts, ad spend, agency costs, content creation costs, fulfillment, and product COGs. This deeper understanding of the quality of our revenue highlighted just how critical branded search revenue was to our growth strategy.
How are you different from other marketing measurement tools?TL;DR: we're strictly focused on helping you increase your long term baseline of revenue. All other tools focus on the short term, specifically analyzing how you can best allocate your spend within and across channels to drive the greatest short term revenue. Both things are important. We just realized the long term base sales measurement was missing in the market while at Chubbies, so we had to find some ways to start to measure how we were driving long term quality revenue to compliment our short term revenue efforts, which we never stopped doing. This helped us find our balance of "Brand" and "DR", which took us from a fast-growing unprofitable business to a fast growing, and very profitable, business.
Since demand for the private beta is higher than we can handle, we’re prioritizing brands on a waitlist. Specifically, we're prioritizing brands who 1. See measuring the true long-term ROAS and dollar value of brand investments as a top priority, and 2. Who want to work closely with Tom and Preston in a quasi advisory / consultative capacity to leverage this data for executing the "Brand Building for Profitable Growth Framework" (working title, ha) we developed at Chubbies, and finally, 3. Have the capability (or desire) to create the content we've learned equates to effective Brand content (meaning: it drives increased baseline revenue from resilient base of branded search over 180 days).
Welcome to the era of
Measure the long-term $$ and ROAS of DR, top-of-funnel, social posts, IG follows, TT comments, etc. Built by & for growth marketers. Loved by CFO's.