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Thanks in advance for filling out this quick form!

It helps us get a better understanding of what you're looking for, views on brand, what challenges you're facing, and how you're business currently works!

This is masssively helpful in making sure we could be a fit, and if so, allows us to tailor the product to your specific needs and goals. 

The Basics

Company Info

Shopify Annual Revenue
Amazon Annual Revenue
Retail/Wholesale Brick and Mortar Annual Revenue
Ad Channels Where You're Spending > 10% of Your Marketing Budget
Social Channels Where You're Focusing

Context On Your Brand Journey and What Interests You In Marathon

Creative Capabilities

As you know, when it comes to brand building, creative is the hardest part of this whole thing. You can know what builds the brand, but if you don't have the capability to generate this content, or enough of this content (since it takes tons of shots on goal to find the asset/s that truly take off and resonate deeply and at scale), we've learned that internal creative capabilities are core to this whole brand building thing.

How do you feel about your ability to generate the creative you know is ideal for your brand?

We dealt with the importance of creative in Brand Building ourselves as operators and found out how to generate creative that not only gets engagement, but drives measurable increases in equity value (which is the part most miss). Because we haven't seen any agency have the direct knowledge, proven with an actual track record as operators who made all content in-house, and used it to achieve an exit for well over $100M, it seems like there is an unmet need in this arena. Therefore, to try to be of service here, we've started Marathon Pictures, a Creative Production and Creative Advisory company to help brands with this exact thing. We make epic ads that convert while building the brand as a suppliment to your existing creative efforts. Creative for top, middle, and bottom funnel (because the creative required is different), and all performance based pricing (because that's how we would have wanted it when operating at Chubbies).

Interested in learning more about Marathon Pictures?
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